Indeed, the Hour (is) surely coming, no doubt in it, but most (of) the people (do) not believe.
Verily, the Last Hour is sure to come: of this there is no doubt; yet most men will not believe it
Lo! the Hour is surely coming, there is no doubt thereof; yet most of mankind believe not
The Hour will certainly come: Therein is no doubt: Yet most men believe not
The Hour is certainly coming, there is no doubt about it. But most people do not believe.
The Hour is sure to come, there is no doubt about it, but most people do not believe.
The Final Hour is sure to come, without doubt, but most people do not believe
Most surely the hour is coming, there is no doubt therein, but most people do not believe
Truly, the Hour is that which arrives. There is no doubt about it, yet most of humanity believes not.
"The Hour is coming, there is no doubt about it; yet most men will not believe.
Surely, the Hour (Day of Judgment) is coming and there is no doubt about it, yet most people don’t believe.
Surely the Hour is coming; in it there is no doubt. But most of mankind believe not
The Hour is coming, there is no doubt about it, yet most people don’t believe.
Indeed, the Hour is coming; there is no doubt about it; but most people do not believe
Verily, the Hour is surely approaching. (There is) no doubt therein, but the majority of mankind do not Believe
The hour of Doom is sure to come, there is no doubt about it; yet most people do not believe it
Surely the Hour is indeed coming up; there is no suspicion about it, but most of mankind do not believe
The Hour of Doom will inevitably come, but most people do not have faith
Certainly, the Hour is bound to come. There is no doubt in it, but most of the people do not believe
Verily, the Hour is surely coming, of this there is no doubt. Yet most people do not believe. (That the Divine Revolution will come on this earth and then in the Cosmos (9:33))
Very definitely, the hour (of judgment) is coming! There is no doubt about it! But most people (just) do not believe
Verily, the Hour will certainly come: About this (there) is no doubt: Yet, most men do not believe
Indeed, the Hour is coming - no doubt about it - but most of the people do not believe
Surely the Hour is coming, there is no doubt in it, but most of the people do not believe.
The Final Hour is sure to come, without doubt, but most people do not believe
Verily the Hour is coming: there is no doubt thereof; yet most of mankind believe not
The Hour will certainly come; there is no mystery about it; but most men do not believe
The Hour is coming there is no doubt about it. But most of mankind have no iman.
The Last Hour is certainly bound to come; there is no doubt in it: Yet, most of humankind do not believe
Indeed the Hour is bound to come; there is no doubt in it. But most people do not believe
Most surely the hour is coming, there is no doubt therein, but most people believe not
The Hour is certainly coming, there is no doubt in it, but most people do not believe.
The Hour will certainly come. There is no doubt about it. Yet most people do not believe
There is no doubt that the Final Hour will come, but most people don’t believe.
The Hour will indeed come; there is no doubt about that. Yet most people do not believe
Surely the Hour is coming, there is no doubt in it, but most of the people do not believe
The Hour is certainly coming, no doubt thereof! However, most people believe not
Undoubtedly, the Hour is certainly to come, there is no doubt in it, but most people believe not.
Most certainly, the Hour (Day of Judgment) is coming, no doubt about it, but most people do not believe.
There is no doubt that the Hour is coming, yet most people do not believe
The Hour is surely coming -- there is no doubt therein -- but most people believe not
That truly the Hour/Resurrection is coming (E) no doubt/suspicion in it, and but most of the people do not believe
The resurrection will surely take place but most people doubt it
Indeed the Last Day will surely come, there is no doubt in it - but most people do not accept faith
The Hour of punishment will, surely, come; there is no doubt about it; yet most men believe not
Surely, the Last Hour is bound to come. There is no doubt in that. Yet most people do not believe
(O disbelievers!) the Hour (of your destruction) is about to come. There is no doubt about it. Yet most people do not believe
Verily, the Hour (Day of Judgement) is surely coming, therein is no doubt, yet most men believe not
The Hour is coming, no doubt of it, but most men do not believe
The last hour will surely come; there is no doubt thereof: But the greater part of men believe it not
Verily, the Hour will surely come; there is no doubt therein; but most men do not believe
Aye, "the Hour" will surely come: there is no doubt of it: but most men believe it not
The Hour is sure to come: of this there is no doubt; yet most do not believe
Truly the hour is surely going to come there is no doubt in it but most of the humankind does not believe.
The Hour is definitely coming, there is no doubt about it. But most of the people are Spiritually blind.
The hour will come, there is no doubt in it, but most of mankind don´t believe.
The hour [of dread] will certainly come. Do not doubt it, even though most people do not believe.
Indeed, the Hour is coming—no doubt about it—but the majority of mankind does not believe.
"The Hour is coming, there is no doubt about it; yet most men will not believe.
Surely, the Hour will come; there is no doubt in it; but most of the people are not believing.
That Hour will most definitely come; there is no doubt about it... But the majority of the people do not believe!
The hour of doom will certainly come, there is no doubt in it, but the majority of human beings does not believe.
As to the predetermined Eventful Hour of Judgement, It shall unquestionably come to pass but most people refuse to give credence to the statement and they hold the event as untrue
Indeed, the Hour is surely coming; there is no doubt concerning it; but most of mankind do not believe.
The Hour will certainly come: Therein is no doubt: Yet most men believe not
Indeed, the Hour (is) surely coming, no doubt in it, but most (of) the people (do) not believe
Inna alssaAAata laatiyatun la rayba feeha walakinna akthara alnnasi la yu/minoona
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